Learn about other Cultures by Watching our Recommended Family Films
1 - 2 hrs
How Often Is This Offered?
Throughout the year
Age Range
- K - 2nd
- 3rd - 5th
- 6th - 8th
- High School
Help Required
If you’re looking to find great, age-appropriate and entertaining films to watch together as a family while staying home, we’ve put together a list of some of our favorite films from Family Festivals past, as well as some international children’s films that we’ve loved but haven’t shown.
What's Needed To Complete
A screen. Access to public library, if need be.
Whose Help Is Required
Films are for ages 4 and up.
Special Requirements
How It Makes A Difference
We work with local and international organizations involved in global issues in an effort to heighten awareness and encourage people of all ages to think about making a difference in the world.
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