PGK (Project Giving Kids) is now Create the Change®!
Allison Russo , Coordinator, Community Engagement
63 Sprague Street, Bay 6
Hyde Park, MA 02136
(617) 586-4634


Room to Grow's vision is that one day all parents will have the resources they need to unlock their families' potential and become champions for babies and their community. Room to Grow's innovative three-year program provides families with structured coaching, material goods, and community connections to support parents as they activate natural strengths, gain confidence and knowledge, and ensure their babies have the social, emotional and language skills they need to thrive from the start.

Families expecting a baby are referred to Room to Grow by selected prenatal health care providers assisting low-income families. Upon their referral, families visit Room to Grow's warm and inviting space once every three months from just before the birth of the baby until their child turns three. During one-on-one appointments with staff clinicians, typically lasting two hours, parents receive developmental information, customized support, and all of the needed baby items to ensure a healthy and secure start for their child.

Room to Grow is dedicated to treating families with dignity, respect and care. Clinical rooms are child-centered and encourage exploration and play. All of the material goods are new or nearly new and only given to families if safe and in the absolute best condition. We rely on the generosity of individuals and businesses in our community to donate both financial and in-kind support.

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Service Opportunities

Make an easy, no-sew blanket! Doing this activity for Create the Change®? Don't forget to register for the
We need your help securing baby essentials for the Boston babies enrolled in Room to Grow's program. We accept new and nearly new clothing, books, toys and other baby essentials in truly excellent ...
Help Room to Grow collect thousands of English and Spanish board books for babies and toddlers living in poverty. Every baby in Room to Grow's program receives 10 books at each visit, while ...

Educational Activities

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