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Support the Needs of our Teens - TEXAS
1 - 2 hrs
How Often Is This Offered?
Age Range
- K - 2nd
- 3rd - 5th
- 6th - 8th
- High School
Help Required
Please help provide essential summer items for our teen residents. You can either ship from your home of visit our Amazon Wish List.
What's Needed To Complete
Items we can always use in unused/new condition: batteries (all sizes); gift cards for clothing, groceries, gas and restaurants; journals and art supplies; games.
Special Requirements
How It Makes A Difference
As you can imagine, having teenagers on our campus 24 hours a day means that we go through supplies and items very quickly. We™ve put together a wish list to help our campus run smoothly and to help our children heal and grow. Collecting and shipping or purchasing from our Amazon wish list will allow our residents to have the best and most fun filled summer possible!
1. Decide whether you want to do a gift card donation and/or visit our Wish List. 2. If Amazon: Click on the link and browse the list of items. Determine the items that best fit your budget and interests. Once you are done adding items to your cart, you may complete your purchase and the items will be shipped directly to us. 3. If you are delivering your donation, please contact" target="_blank" rel=" or (512) 836-2150 x142 and confirm a time for your delivery. 4. If shipping: Settlement Home for Children, 1600 Payton Gin Road Austin, TX 78758. 5. If you have questions, please call us at (512) 836-2150 or email
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